Less Addiction


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Less psychology more cure of souls.
Less reassurance more comfort.
Less there there and more keep warring!
Less look forward and more I have your back
Less wishing and more praying.
Such things the Christian needs from another.
To wake us from our illusions.
To guard us against the false dreams that visit.
Where the senses dull and desires mutate.
Desires for beautiful things flatten.
While desires for evil things fatten.
We see food – the beautiful gift
has become the complicated gift.
Beautiful and desired. This far – goodness.
In mutation, we forget to desire the food
mutation flowing
we desire the excess of food.
Sex is little different.
Desiring the excess and not the beautiful thing itself.
We desire to eat immediately after eating.
Increasing in frequency and quantity.

This is addiction.

Driving, subdueing and imprisoning.
Lusts of the eyes.
What can be seen; it is now tasted
and then must be seen and tasted again.
No true satisfaction – no satiation of appetite.
Appetites that may have decency in them
but which will not respond as intended.
The appetite misshapen, malfunctions.
Like the bucket
It should given time of filling be found full
but with many exits, cannot be.
It is found wanting.
Without hope of satiation.
A desolate state,
a desolate relationship with the things of this life
Food, sex and power.
Less psychology more cure of souls.
Less reassurance more comfort.
Less there there and more keep warring!
Less look forward and more I have your back
Less wishing and more praying.
original poem by Humbledonkey – please reproduce only with reference to this blog

The Four Horsemeats of the Apocalypse


You may have heard about the horsemeat scandal in the UK and to a lesser extent in Ireland a little over a year ago. It was actually picked up in Ireland because their scrutiny of meat is more substantive.

It was a jolly scare where it transpired that the great british public (that’s a phrase over here) had been unknowingly consuming the meat of the horse for some time. The real scandal is the ‘unknowlingly’ bit. The british have eaten some horse in the past but generally don’t. It’s just not done here. We do kill and slaughter horses and sell into the european horse meat trade which is a huge industry. But until recently our supermarkets (for that is where the problem arose) could proudly claim to be horse free.

While over in Europe (the british, though certainly part of the european union, often refer to everyone else in Europe as european, as if they themselves were not) horse meat is eaten at a galloping pace (1). That’s right – the horse puns have started and they’re off (no. 2). I myself have tasted of the running beast many times – knowingly – while in Europe. It tasted rather nice. I have had it from the smoked meats section of the supermarche and sometimes it comes with a sticker with an image of a horse on it. Delightful. The upfrontness of it all. That’s as it should be. You want horse? – we got it – it’s over there in aisle 3 – it’s the one marked horse. By the way the beef is the one marked beef. Only european vegans object to any of this.

So we had a bit of scandal here and public confidence in the meat industry has been dealt a blow. Apparently meat consumption of all kinds is down. I wonder what people are substituting their meat needs with. Not more celery – pleeease no. However every cloud has a silver lining and I think the some of the advertising (parodies of course) and images posted on the internet as a consequence were exceptionally witty and welcome. Here’s a sample.

A tribute to our No. 1 supermarket and prime culprit

so hungry

A household brand specialising in ready to cook, highly processed food products

Findus - pronounced  'fin- dus' was a major user of the equine delight

Findus – pronounced ‘fin- dus’ was a major user of the equine delight

The artists had a field day – this is a Banksy inspired piece.


And my personal favourite – I hate those self service checkouts – always a problem – always need to call the staff – this would probably be the worst thing that could happen.


The high street butcher sees an opportunity to stick to the supermarket giants who threaten his livelihood on any given day of the week.

butcher has no horse

I love lasagne but will probably only trust homemade for the next few years. Shergar (top right of the Findus box) was a world famous race horse which was stolen by masked gunmen in Ireland in 1983. Many were questioned at the time. No one even thought to question the supermarkets. If only they knew then what we know now.

Findus horse lasagne