Good Friday – One Hanging on a Tree

The great and terrible Friday. The place where the great and terrible God of all creation judges. Where He loves. Where He mercies. Where He graces. 

All will be judged. But through the one sent from the Father, we can escape judgement and receive love, mercy and grace.

Reworking of an old John newton (1725) Hymn by the Edbrooke Collective

Just click the play button.

Monday Music

I sang this beautiful hymn yesterday at a large central London church with a few hundred confident, care free singers. It was a more modern version and arrangement than this one and I didn’t realise it was a very old hymn until I tried to track it down to share with you. A modern rendition does not seem to available so here is the oldie but goodie.

Music on a monday

Dear, dear Humbledonkey readers – sorry for taking so long to get back in the game and for the December false start –  I actually thought I had cancelled both of those random posts.

Here’s why I have been away:

My Dad passed away in October 2014 and all my energies since have gone on the daily/weekly task of living and surviving, working and being. Bereavement is the funniest thing. Even on your best days, you only have access to so much mental energy. When it’s gone, it’s gone. Blogging requires an abundance of mental energy.

Here’s why I am back.

I like blogging, it helps me get a handle of my own thoughts. And I missed  it. I also have a little more mental energy available – not a lot. It’s a bit risky, certainly, but hey what’s the worst that can happen?

So let’s start with some music that is timely and timeless. Timely in that it is a tune to the New Year’s anthem, Auld Lang Syne but these new words by Dunstin Kensrue speak of the timeless eternal Son of the Eternal Father, who created time, entered time, submitted to it, lived, died and rose triumphant o’er the grave and time itself and now lives forever more – the first of a new generation. The resurrected ones.

Enjoy the music, thanks for the warm thoughts and have a good day. More again tomorrow.

Monday Music – Classic for Losers

Jesus is for Losers. Provocative title. Provokes me to gratitude. I’m one of Lifes greatest Losers. I cannot tell you how surprised I was and am to be a beneficiary of God’s kindness toward rebel sinners. And the Father chose to show his love for the world by sending the Son (the Incarnation) to die in the place of others (The Atonement) so that rebel sinners could be counted as righteous – perfect (Justification) and go on to lead a life ever seeking to honour God – growing in righteous living, empowered by the Holy Spirit (Sanctification). Theology matters. Losers matter.